Saturday, November 30, 2013

Wallabies Visiting

As if on cue to the last post, the wallabies have been visiting my garden, and nibbling on raspberry leaves,  wildflower shoots, baby wattle trees-  anything tasty.

So a fenced garden is necessary so that at least a few greens can be harvested.

Wallaby was eating lower leaves of young plum tree nearby.

Heartsease is growing inside to cheer me up.  Seeds of tomato, basil, melons, cucumbers, zucchini, mizuna, corn, dwarf beans, coriander, parsley, dill have been sown.  It rained a few days afterwards.  Some seeds came up.  It has not rained since and I must use watering can with my precious rainwater.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Respect the Animals.

Excerpt,  with permission,  from “Talking With Nature”,   by Michael Roads,  pages  15…to…18

“….an area of land we had bought from the Forestry Commission had been cleared, developed and sown down to improved pasture…..Apart from where Carvilla  joined our main farm at one end,  the pasture was completely surrounded by unfenced forest,  stretching as far as the eye could see over thousands of wild acres……Not unnaturally, the wildlife …were lured in considerable numbers to our land………I began to spend two nights a week shooting them…..I quickly found it extremely distasteful……….one night, after spotting a large wallaby in the headlights,  I jumped out, rifle ready.  Suddenly the animal’s head swung toward me…the eyes met mine,  and I gazed spellbound into the soul of a wild and wonderful Nature………Compassion…surged powerfully from somewhere deep inside…There had to be a different way.

………I talked the problem over with Treenie,  and together we reached the only solution possible.     If we could “think”-communicate with our cattle, why not try and “think”-communicate with the wallabies…….

One morning, driving up to the wild hills of Carvilla, I stopped near a group of trees in the centre of the paddock and, feeling rather self-conscious, prepared myself for an attempted communication.

I  held the required agreement clearly in my thoughts…….I began to verbalize my request……..

Warming to my task, I fairly yelled my message to all the wallabies that might listen…..

   “I don’t know if you wallabies can hear me, but I am offering an agreement with you by which we can each meet our own needs.  I am asking you to stop eating our pasture, and in exchange for this I will see that nobody shoots you again.  However, because I realize I must share this land with you, I will allow you to graze the outside of the paddock.  Please don’t take more than twenty yards.”

…….Within only a few weeks, the pasture was thickening so rapidly that I was able to introduce an extra ten cows and calves.  It continued to improve…….For three years we maintained this tenuous relationship…When the pasture was knee-high it was crisscrossed with wallaby trails, but their grazing was concentrated at the boundary……In some areas, the pasture grew right to the forest edge, while in other places they fed a long way into the paddock.  On average I estimated that they grazed about forty yards into the field.  One fact which emerged was obvious.  We were able to communicate our wishes to the wildlife and reach an agreement for our mutual benefit.  We recognized their divine right to life, realizing that cooperation with Nature offers unlimited potential.


There is a follow up to this story…….we eventually decided to sell our farm……shooters broke the padlocks and…began shooting wallabies once more.  When I visited the area three years after selling the farm, the owner asked me if pasture had ever grown on Carvilla.  I stared at him in surprise….He went on to tell me how he had found the place crawling with wallabies.  They shot six thousand in two years!.....It was only then I fully understood the extent to which our agreement had been kept.”

“Talking with Nature” was first published in 1985

                              *******************************  is where you can find info and metaphysical insights.  
 There are subtle realms which are very powerful.  One must never underestimate Mother Nature.
We can be absolutely grateful for this lovely Earth, and wish Her well.

I have been asked what happened to the mice in my caravan.  These days there is only one and I am glad to see her (I think it is a her).  I have quite a good story about my close encounters with mice.  It will appear as soon as I get it together.

 Michael's wallaby story above is a great one, and most important to share.



Longtime no posts.  There are hundreds of photos of clouds etc to sort through.
It has been a long, hot and dry Summer.  Easter is soon.  Happy Easter to everyone.

Update 1/12/2013

It was a close call with the Fires-  once to the east,  once to the south,  and more not far away.

3:25 pm.