Thursday, June 20, 2019

Dear People, more episode 4b. coal mines, 5G, etc.

If the Adani mine gets built, it will be thanks to politicians, on two continents
May 31, 2019 5.54am AEST
Re-elected Indian prime minister Narendra Modi might have helped the Adani mine in the Galilee Basin to get over the line. BY-SA
Professor of Politics, Edith Cowan University
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With the final approval of the Adani Carmichael coal mine now apparently imminent, it is important to ask how it has seemingly defied the assessment of experts that it is not financially viable.
After all, it’s only a week since the Chinese owner of another mine planned for the Galilee Basin, the China Stone mine, suspended its bid for mining leases because of commercial considerations.
The numbers appear not to add up because the location is remote, the coal would be expensive to transport, and the price is expected to fall.
But such a purely financial analysis ignores the political forces driving the development of the coal industry in both India and Australia.
Mates in India, mates in Australia
In short, both are locked into what I describe as a model of crony capitalism, in which special deals are handed out to projects such as Adani that tip the scales in favour of development.
The actions of China and Japan in deploying enormous state power to export their respective coal technologies to Southeast Asia strengthens the hands of those pushing such developments.
In my recent book, Adani and the war over coal, I outline a network of power that for several decades has promoted the development of Australia’s coal resources in the interests of national and international corporations.
The mining companies, then the big four banks became part of it, lending billions in the rush to develop Australian coal mines as Asian countries sought to lock in long-term supplies. The Minerals Council of Australia, the New South Wales Minerals Council and the Queensland Resources Council, with their collective close ties to both political parties, handled public relations.

Yet they have faced resistance from the rise of an anti-Adani movement that links grassroots environmentalists, peak environmental lobby groups and progressive organisations such as GetUp!
By mid-2018, these campaigners seemed to have backed the Carmichael mine into a cul de sac by scaring off both Australian and foreign investors. They had also pressured the Queensland government to withdraw its support for a loan to the project from the Commonwealth government’s Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility.
Then Adani surprised them by announcing that it would scale back the project and fund it from its own resources. On the face of it this seemed unlikely, but it had help.
Adani and Modi have history
The chairman and founder of the Adani group, Gautam Adani, has had a long relationship with the recently re-elected Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi.
Modi played a decisive role in paving the way for Adani’s latest mega deal: selling coal-fired power from a plant in the Indian state of Jharkhand to nearby Bangladesh.
The power for Bangladesh is set to be fired by Carmichael coal. Many Australians would be concerned to learn that our coal is to be used to power one of the most climate-challenged countries on the planet, but we have this on the authority of Adani’s previous Australian-based chief executive, Jeyakuma Janakaraj.
Twelve days before the 2019 Indian election date was announced, the Modi government gave approval for an Adani project in Jharkhand to become the first designated power project in India to get the status and benefits of a Special Economic Zone, saving Adani billions of dollars in taxes, including clean energy taxes.
The Indian state will provide land, infrastructure and water for the project and shoulder the burden of pollution. The cost of the power to Bangladesh is not expected to be cheap.
Will we be asked for more?
Adani’s form suggests it might come back to Australia for more. Following the re-election of the Morrison government it is already being speculated that the pro-coal Minister for Resources, Matt Canavan, will revisit the original proposal for a billion-dollar government-sponsored loan from the Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility to construct the railway from the Galilee Basin to the Abbot Point coal port.
The Adani saga points to a critical flaw in the Paris climate agreement. It is an agreement between nation states, but what those states do is often determined by arrangements between politicians and private companies that feel no particular obligation to keep global warming to less than two degrees.
We are pawns in a larger, climate-destroying game.



I am very grateful to find true thoughts on matters, and the conversation provides this, with permission under creative commons.  There is a previous conversation where it is revealed that the Adani mine neeeds water from artesian sources to wet the machine to prevent fire, and to control dust.  All reasons to keep coal in the ground!

Another video for 5G story is
"Why Space X is making Starlink"
YouTube by Real Engineering.
Jan 15, 2019.
One Falcon x rocket can carry 60 satellites (in a string)....
Elon Musk says "it'll cost billions"-  plans for 17000 or more....
A comment was "he must have a good reason".
It kept me awake last night.........
Consumers of internet would never be able to pay for it all.
What if it is an alien plan to make a fence around the planet.....
oh dear.
I watch TED talks.  Young engineers love virtual reality and holograms!
Toys.  One guy showed how with intuitive robot they got the best design for a drone shape and-  it is aerodynamically same as pelvis of a squirrel!  (flying squirrel).?
So,  if we work in partnership with A.I. we could get fantastic results.
Trouble is,  bias and deceit can creep in.  AI can make mistakes eg mistake a wolf for a dog,  which a human would never do.  So it is crucial we are given the position to correct a challenge, not allow AI to have total control.
The TED talks keep me awake also on other counts.
It seems to me that humanity has been robbed over and over, time and time again.
There is a Remarkable Community online (correction made 22/6/019).  Past civilisations have been wiped off by mudfloods, comets, DEW (fasces weapons), leaving only mysterious buildings.  It could happen again but many humans are now awake to the deeds of the "controller parasites".  We might do things our way without death of innocent people in disasters.  See YouTube Silvye Ivanova of newearth channel,  Philippe Druzhinin,  Charles Kos,  Martin Liedtke,  Mudfossil University is a favorite of mine,  Emily Cragg of Space News Weekly.......and many more,  very special humans seeing the world in a new way.  The very old Maps of Europe show no glaciers in Iceland....And why does the pale blue and white logo of the United Nations show a flat earth?  Something is weird!

You see, I think that in olden times we had abilities to telepath, to teleport, to see into other dimensions eg fairies, Titans, dragons, unicorns, other planets and times; more abilities.
Every time we had to endure cataclysm it was every man for himself, to cope with the pain and shock.  We lost our other dimensional abilities.  No wonder the fascination these days with stories of Merlin.....  When the human is overloaded with pain there has to be a shut off mechanism,  amnesia,  to wait in there until peaceful times return and the feelings can be processed and integrated, to learn from the mistakes.  Primal Therapy taught that.  People could get their true selves back, given the chance.  However forces are still against us.  Robots would say to erase memories.  Then we are lost,  we lose  our self healing and our Divine nature, in prison, not having learnt the lessons or truth.

  Primal story says "we set up situations in our lives, so that we can feel them once again.  And connect." Heal those discontinuities.  It looks rather mysterious, and we have not solved it yet.  Recovered memories became suspect, as well some may be, but much truth could be found.  We might as a species be unable to connect until we set up a world with the last blade of grass...however one can hope we can sort it out, together, to save humanity, for there is a good deal worth saving-the living Planet and all us creatures.
......................insert 22/6/2019
There is a story from the First Peoples of Canada, in "Copper Woman", by Ann Cameron.  I used to have this book many years ago.  It is said that when blood is spilt, in battle or somehow traumatic, then it needed 3 generations of Peace before the tribe's people were normal and healed again.  And "we ain't had those 3 generations."

Another story from Amazon Tribe.  A young man leaves the forest to go to the Town.  He comes back crazy,unable to join in usual ways.  Unable to garden.  The elders let him be, for the time, years, it takes for the young man to regain his normalcy on his own, ready to begin gardening again.

We as a Planet species have been multitraumatised, over and over.  It seems impossible.  Yet something could happen in this Time of the Sixth Sun.  All of us together active spiritually, unconsciously even!  What if the whole solar system is moving into a hot plasma area of the universe, and the parasites might be cleaned off (for their own good;  all beings deserve respect).  Anything can happen.  I see so much badness and it is real.  I am unable to read some chapters of Chris Hedges' book "America The Farewell Tour".  I have yet to read "Sacrifice Zones of America".  Haunting!

One can only pray for the Highest Good for Everyone to ensue.
Back to Elon Musk-  what is he up to?  Did he design all that tech?  Or is it our alien "friends"?  Do they think to help us with their robotic thinking?  Do we really need 5G or 6G or all those toys?  2.5 GHz cooks food.  Are they trying to cook us?
.The Starlink video looks like surveillance net all over the planet.
 The FCC is trying to limit 5G to 2.4GHz medium band frequencies rather than high frequencies.  4G works in the 2,4 range and we are not all dying like flies.........but a young woman told me that every time she gets pregnant she gets thyroid problems;  her friend gets gestational diabetes.  Something is already very wrong.  We are warned that use of all these modern devices poses a big risk to the ovaries, in the womb.  Grown up girls have babies or not depending on the DNA condition of their ovaries.  Grand daughters will suffer......  I have thyroid lumps,   might become cancer... 

WE are organic, and spiritual.  There could be a way for us to solve all with a brain dance.   More help might come from our ancestors.....if it is possible;  not from robots alone;  they are not organic- they are themselves an entity no feelings.  This is how I tend to think and I could be mistaken in many aspects but one never knows until we put it out there for scrutiny.  So thanks for reading thus far,  and have a happy day.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Dear People, episode 4a, Coal Mines and Adani.

Dear People.  
0ur Australian Prime Minister and Government are on the way to innocently and humbly allow the Adani Coal Mines to destroy beautiful country, homes and natural world in the Galilee Basin,

These ancient artesian springs, Doongmabulla (from Google images) and Mellaluka are in danger of disappearing if the Carmichael Mine gets to work. You can see more images online. 
According to   Adani plans to use at least 12 billion litres of water each year from the Great Artesian Basin and nearby sources.  Do they pay for this water, or do they get it free?
.  has images of the Moses3 Lagoon which is part of the Doongmabulla Springs Complex, potentially affected by the proposed mine.
The Traditional Owners are the Wangan and Jagalingou People, spokesman Adrian Burragubba, who say “the project would devastate their ancestral lands and waters, totemic animals and plants, and cultural heritage.”
Further search online shows me there are already about 50 coal mines in the Bowen Basin to the east of the Galilee Basin and these have shorter lifespans than the Adani Mine.  Queensland already had 29000 people in jobs 2013 produced 284 million tonnes coal. 
Other pending mines  in the Galilee Basin  (China Stone,  Hancock, Clive Palmer’s China First, Guildford Coal).  These could go ahead if Adani wins.  This further compounds damage.  There is possibility of a rail line to Gulf of Carpentaria and this is near a possible “future food bowl of Australia” -  plans to develop NT.  Coal dust in the winds?  Cyclones!
There is danger of FireCentralia in the USA’s Apallacians is a town where the coal seam has been on fire for 50 years, since 1962.  In 1992 the town was condemned.  50000 people had  been evacuated.  The Apallacian Mountains were once a haven for life.  A YouTube video “Apallacian Sacrifice Zone” made by William Morse in 2015 has great visual impact.  Journalist Chris Hedges speaks of Sacrifice Zones of America on interview by theagenda with steve paikin. 2012.   The TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) has stopped coal mining, has closed 8 coal fired plants.  Gas is cheaper.
 Morwell in Victoria 2014 had brown coal on fire which took 45 days to extinguish. Ash, smoke, benzene and CO had been a Health disaster for residents of town.  Firefighters even suffered from carbon monoxide poisoning.  The manager of the French Company responsible was on trial for the massive fire.  The company had a” minimal compliance attitude re fire risk”, creating a greater problem to put it out.  Nearby grassland was on fire and embers came from 70 at one time surrounding bushfires
 In India the Jharia Coalfields in Bihar State has now 70 recorded fires, the first one was reported in 1916.  Burning for 75 years, 40 million tons out of the area’s 2000 million tons, has been destroyed.  Danger area was/is 450 sq km.  30 metres below the surface.  YouTube video is by Pramod Mathur. 2008.
The Gates of Hell in Turkmenistan is an inferno 200 foot hole.  A Soviet industrial accident ignited an  underground methane gas cave.
 The oldest coal fire in the world may be Mt Wingen near Scone, NSW.   6000 years on fire.  It has a Dreamtime story.   YouTube video by Seeker 3 years ago listed “Some Places on Earth have been on fire for 6000 years”.
How could fire be put out?   Fire retardant chemical is often used. Eg in California.  However it can cause worse harm because it is a Hormone Disrupting Chemical.  It beggars belief that our RFS and Military et al can broadcast such poison with impunity.  There was the case of residents near Williamtown RAAF Base complaining of health crises regarding foam retardant which had leached for decades into nearby waters and environment.  
As it is we may not be alive on planet  Earth for many more years.  20000 satellites are up there to beam in 5G frequencies 3 to 95 GHz all over the world.  For reference see the current issue of Nexus Magazine.  The whole world will be a microwave oven. A microwave oven cooks at 2.4 GHz.  Unless we stop the madness.  It is as if there is “no tomorrow” so mad are they to sell us Internet toys.  Brussels is against 5G and even considers risks of 4G (2.4GHz…)  Then 6G and 7G will finish the planet off to be a place only for artificial intelligence aliens.  One can be upset and try to stop it!!!
Adani’s mines will give jobs to only about 800 workers  at recent reports.  Full automation.  Just truck drivers.  Finance of such big ventures might be by Banks who” create money out of thin air” in the form of debt.  Managers are good at raking  billions of dollars in their own direction.  How else can so many in China etc become billionaires, buying up the goods of the earth so greedily without caring if anything is left for anyone else?  There might be people in future who could use a bit of coal.  No good if none is left.  There might be a nice future if we took care of the land.
My own concern derives from a story I read years ago- 
that Farmland is fertile precisely when coal lies underneath.   
I searched and searched for the original articles-  in my books, journals etc, in vain. 
The clue arrived via ABC Radio National’s Science Show 27/4/2017 and I wrote it in my diary,  “Humates in coal.”   Key word is “humates’ and we get “Soil carbon. A Saviour in locking up carbon.”  22 April 2017.   Here follows part of the transcript:-
…..“Robin Batterham: I think carbon in soil is actually a saviour, and the real challenge is all about a comprehensive approach, so-called regenerative farming, which is very much looking at how the inorganic, the organic or the biota and the soil all interact with root systems. And it's a world of great complexity. There is no single magic bit of science here that can fix things up. But it's quite clear that if you take a comprehensive approach you can achieve results which are really different.
Robyn Williams: When it comes to the brown coal you don't dig it up and then mix it into the soil do you, on the farm?
Robin Batterham: There's people who would advocate mixing up some of the layers of brown coal, the leonardite, which is the oxidised material near the surface of the coal generally, or extracting the humates from it which tend to be the part of the coal which does most good. But you're looking there at what we might call an off-farm carbon input, and that's good, but there are many sources of that, and the challenge of course with off-farm inputs is that transport is one of your big efforts you've got to consider, and you're simply not going to be transporting Victorian brown coal, even if it kept jobs in the valley, all the way to the Northern Territory pasturelands, that just doesn't add up.
Robyn Williams: No, of course not. And what about the volume of stuff off the farm, is that going to be enough, do you think?
Robin Batterham: Well, it's interesting. There are really two parts, I would argue. Firstly, this interaction between roots, between bacteria, and between fungi. It's a very complex system. It is not fully understood, far from it, although with genetic typing these days we can understand much more of the thousands of interactions that go on. That's one whole side which is how do you encourage more of the bacteria and the fungi so that you get actually more carbon in the soil, you get greater root penetration, you get greater water retention and so on.
One part of that is you tend to have to keep cover on the soil, you tend to have to have crops that can grow deeper roots, you tend to use less of the inorganic input like urea based fertilisers and the like. But the other whole part of it, and to answer your question, is that adding organic material to the soil as well generally helps this whole process, and that organic material might be humates, fulvates extracted from brown coal, for example. It might well be simply compost where you've collected everything that you can from your neighbours, from your own farm, composted it up and put it back into the soil.”
All  this would matter a lot to farmers in the Hunter Valley where coal mines have caused people like Peter Andrews to be forced to sell their homes and land they have tended and even regenerated for decades.
Brown coal from the Latrobe Valley is a different thing from black coal up near Bowen or  Mackay in Queensland.   Coal from Galilee Basin is low quality, high ash.  Risky and unlikely to be financially viable.  They need to realise $100 per tonne but prices can be as low as $50 a tonne.   Can anything grow in coal dust?  Can it oxidise into a more benign substance? My guess is the principle of the thing holds some truth.   It is the full panoply of tree root secretions, enzymes form fungi, bacteria, which maintains the life force in the soil.  It is a crying shame to destroy a living system and replace it with a dead landscape.
 Please Keep Earth Alive!
Following on from brown coal we get Wujinsan!  A Chinese remedy which is a purified fulvic acid.  This is one of the humic acids.   Robert Faust is on YouTube describing this.  He is shown purifying the material from natural sources.  The mineral  can accumulate heavy metals providing  purification of the land so that plants need not suffer.  Some pristine deposits exist in China.   Take this medicine and clean up heavy metals from body, avoid cancer.  Keep this medicine in the earth and grow good food.
One wonders if leonardite is mined and sold to farmers is it adding more heavy metals to the soil?  In which case the harm it might do makes it a wiser option to leave the brown coal  in the ground.  Soil contains magical alchemical properties and one wishes that governments might regard good country with respect rather than hurrying to destroy it.  The natural ground cover is called “overburden” by miners like Gina R.  Native animals have value too.
This brings to mind the late Professor Harry Butler,  naturalist and environmental consultant even to mining companies.  He prescribed that the regeneration operation  begins even before mining starts.  Seeds and cuttings of the plants natural to the area were collected and grown in nurseries ahead of time.  The vegetation grew even better when put out in situ because the mining process had softened the soil.  Dr Butler was named Australian of the Year in 1979 and  listed amongst the greatest Australian Living Treasures 207 .  His support for the Franklin Dam in Tasmania early 1980s made many people unhappy,
One big danger is Chemtrails and Cloud Bombs.    Military industrial complex is creating a global  sky loaded with fly ash from coal fired stations, laced with nano aluminium and a host of toxic particles,  black carbon soot and any number of unmentionables.  The increasing number of possible coal mines if Adani goes ahead would result in mountains of toxic ash waste and dust.  Some entities would like to blanket the Earth with heavy metals.  Are we compliant about such a horror?  We should wake up and take care.  5G  could be part of it.  Signals travel better in an ionised metallic atmosphere.  Like in The Hunger Games!?
Just yesterday the clouds were shaggy brown with black,  like iron filings.  They are not normal,  as you can see in  photo  above.    I have been watching the sky for many years and this is getting worse.    I do not like the look of those weird clouds.  More poison in the name of technology.

24/4/2019 photo.
Chemtrails  are found to be made of Fly ash contain heavy metals.  There could be more sinister items too eg nanochips.   No wonder we have cancers and diseases of the immune system.    I do not like the idea of coalfire ash being put up into atmosphere and raining down on earth for umpteen years as long as it might happen.
We can do without the everlasting contamination of shipping out ports and destination ports with finely milled coal.  Not only coal but iron ore is causing suffering to people who live near ports.  Finely milled Iron ore  releases particles of low grade radioactive thorium into the environment.  It is not fair to humans to expose them to this danger.  Better to leave iron ore solid in the earth!  Does anyone out there care?
 This is a further reason not to have coal mines
Please leave the coal in the ground under a protective blanket of soil and biota.  
This could go for iron ore and uranium etc too.   Roxby Downs was a place of sacred Mound Springs,  ancient artesian springs.  Uranium mining has used billions of litres of water and left 9 billion tons of toxic waste above ground.  The Traditional Owners, the Arabunna People have called for a stop to the theft of water.  They cared for the Mound Springs for thousands of generations of family, diving in and cleaning the pools.  They have great Rights from ancient times and it would be wise to give Respect.  To my mind there can be NO Apology until Australia has been restored to its rightful condition environmentally.  I try this by growing wildflowers.  Never give up.  Times may change, in this Age of the Sixth Sun.
Prof Bill Gammage describes how Aboriginal people  actually cared for every inch of land and tended it- in “The Biggest Estate on Earth”   publ 2012.  
Jackie French’s “Let the Land Speak” publ 2013 has given us a fantastic view of this Land from earliest days, from both sides of the frontier.  “The land will determine our future too……We need to listen to our land.  If we fail, we will stumble into a future we can neither predict nor understand.”
We humans can try to imagine better jobs for all.   No more Black Lung.  This is not fair on workers who are keen to do a good job for their families.  Enough suffering has been endured by Ancestors.  We are inheritors of generations of trauma.  We are a multitraumatised species, as are the trees and the elephants.  Our mistakes happen when we have miswiring of our brains due to trauma.  Birth trauma included. 
We are also capable of great good and creativity.  See how many great musicians and artists and bioneers and imagineers are alive in this Age.  Words of cheer are needed to balance the despair we might feel in the face of possible catastrophes.   All may have been as it was so that Lessons might be learned.  Better choices.
 I see this lovely photo of Doongbulla Springs and I rejoice that such beauty still exists.  
Google images.
Please May the lovely Earth continue to exist for the Future  with our blessings.  It is a prayer and may there be Magic and Love  for Heaven’s  sake.

Dear People, episode 4b. more on coal mines

More on coal mines.....
Yesterday on ABC Radio National I listened to what folk in Kingaroy, Queensland, have to say about another coal mine proposed for their area.  Some are FOR it-  jobs.  They think they will prosper.  A young man who already works in Bowen Basin is a FIFO (fly in, fly out).  He gets his money for work then he goes home elsewhere.  Towns become hubs for this but in 50 years when mine is done then the town becomes ghost-  lost value of properties, and black dust over all;  health hazard forever.

One family man fears the good farming land (traditionally for peanut growing) will be lost.  He loves the area and has planted local natives on his land to bring back birds and wild life- birds, insects.  All praise to him.  Too bad about the heartbreak that coalmines may bring.

The Sydney Morning Herald has a story about Port Hedland in western Australia.  "It's the dust".  Iron ore dust.

I  need to write more on this.  Watch this space.  That is, if anyone ever reads it.
My other Dear People are hardly read by any one.  The first has 57 pageviews but has been stuck on 57 for a long time.  The second episode has one or two page views.
.... I wonder if Google Algorithm has blocked me?

May the lovely Earth continue to exist for the Future  with our blessings.  It is a prayer and may there be Magic and Love  for Heaven’s  sake.
-----------------------------------------google images-

Dear People, episode 3. More 5G and...Yalta.

Dear People
More on 5G.  There is always more. 
Nexus Magazine, June-July issue, page 17,  extracts:-
Space X, owned by Elon Musk, is to launch 7518 satellites, at 210 miles up, to irradiate the Earth with frequencies 37.5GHz and 42GHz. A smaller fleet of 4425 satellites at 750 miles up, to bathe us in frequencies 12GHz and 30GHz.
At present there are 2000 fully functioning satellites up there- we are already irradiated.
Several more companies plan their own smaller fleets.  thus 20,000 5G satellites will  be up there.
on land there will be hundreds of thousands of smaller new masts, 100 metres apart, altogether so that not one inch of earth will be free of radiation.   Governments are anxious to get on board or they think they will be "left behind."
 5G will use frequencies up to 94GHz.  (6G and 7G will use far more).
 Earth will be an enormous microwave oven!!  Remember that food cooks at 2.4 GHz.  We will cook.   Every living thing on earth will suffer DNA denaturing.  The enormity of it all!  Ethics, wisdom?
Who will pay for it all?  The consumer, of course.  In NSW Australia, The electricity co built wires worth billions of $ to provide for future but people choose their own solar, so huge costs go to the public.   In America the Solaren co plans satellites in space to focus solar energy to earth to make electricity.  The customer will have to pay huge bills.  Billions of $ to launch satellites.
Maybe it is all a ruse to get rid of humans eventually.  This global electronic system  is being driven to allow artificial intelligence to be even more present.
One US school had a 5G mast in its area.  4 children and 2 teachers have died of cancer already.
One country I know of, Belgium refuses 5G and is even wary of 4G.  China is roaring with it.

Why do I wrote all this stuff?
I have to, I can't help it.  My antennas are UP.  Have been all my life.
I am a survivor of the Yalta Agreement 1945.  Trauma in utero soon after conception. Born 1/1946. Augsburg Bavaria (southern Germany) refugee camp.  Our early feelings imprint on us.  Sensory experience even in the womb.  I learned this from books by Konrad Lorenz ("King Solomon's Ring"), and Dr Arthur Janov ("The Primal Scream").   Danger!!

more to follow on this space;  I have episodes 4a and 4b to do first.