Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Dear People, episode 2 (a).

Dear People,  episode 2.   5G, and Depopulation.

I need to begin writing out what is important. 
Happiness is what we all want.  It is not a given.  We have to work to accomplish this. 
In a world where diabolical things are happening it is a life fraught with danger.  Illumicore boasts that they have a huge data base on dissenters and truthers.  No safety can be guaranteed for speaking up to Power.  Hitler hurt a lot of people.  After WW2 the Nazis went to America- and got jobs.   
I need to discuss the FEMA death camps built in America.  The final solution to homeless people is to disappear them after harvesting their organs.  Guillotines!  FEMA purchased 30000 of them from China,  blades from Mexico.  Blades are already blunt so 17000 more are being carried by truck over border. 
The UN supports Noahide Laws as does US Govt.  Australia too. Senator Eric Abetz praised a book about the Noahide Laws  written by Rabbi Shimon David Cowen (2016 Newsweek.).  The Seven Laws look good on the surface  but if you read the subtext you will find that the future for Christians is to be decapitated.  Humans can believe black is white.  “Thou shalt not kill and thou shalt not steal”.  Yet the Laws say it is ok to kill Christians and to steal the lives of perfectly good people.  Strictly speaking,  if the law were to hold true then the executioner and the judges and politicians must also be punished if they break the Law.  In sum-  let someone who is without sin throw the first stone.  That is- nobody.    
The info on Noahide includes the idea that decapitation is the most disfiguring of deaths.  My understanding is that the soul at death emerges out through the forehead.  If the head is suddenly chopped off then the spirit is unable to become itself or to go Home.  (They are saying that we are being tricked into being recycled after death by the Matrix,  but that is another story.)  The spiritual realm of Planet Earth becomes a place of earthbound spirits,  of ghosts carrying their heads underneath their arms.  Some inhuman force is behind all this-  affecting even our delegates at the United Nations.   
5G.  This is another cruel plot to decimate us all.  It is almost upon us.  Microwave warfare is against all humans.  The odds are horribly against us. 2.5gHz is the frequency used in microwave ovens to cook our food.  5G operates on 3 to 89 gHz.  6G is a terror weapon which will deliver even higher frequencies.  We have been softened up to thinking microwave ovens are convenient but I do not trust them.  Denatured protein is not good for human bodies,  especially microwaved milk is very bad for babies.  
Climate Change is purposely being foisted upon us all by electromagnetic weapons.  DEW.  HAARP.  LHC.  Our dedicated soldiers and military are ordered to do deeds which cause harm to innocent people.  Hurricanes etc are deliberately created to make people homeless,  then they go to FEMA camps and ---what if sacrificed by guillotine,  or slave traded off planet!?   Emily Cragg has written a book “Behold!  :The Dulce Record of ET-Trafficing from History to Now.” - Children being used for food by aliens.  Soul scalping!  Souls being stored for some purpose.  Her story is that recent events of explosions in a big number of these bases under Washington and south have destroyed quite a number of them..  Former President Eisenhower signed the Greada Treaty in 1954 allowing aliens to do certain things but the ET have done whatever they want to do.
The Georgia Guidestones purport to describe our future.  Half a billion people are to live happily.  6.5 billion people are to be murdered.  DUMBs are underground military bases, all over America and possibly everywhere else.  They are built at great cost.  Eg at Dulce. 
We only need fresh air and water, clean food, a place to live.  We do not need so much to be happy, truly free.  Even such modest needs are denied the multitudes. We are supposed to be the Gardeners, Custodians of a gloriously diverse Planet.   
What if the fires in California,  and Greece are deliberately created?  Direct Energy Weapons.  Floods and hurricanes.  Black Goo. 
All kinds of unusual phenomena are placed against humanity.  Preachers say Nibiru is coming and the Rapture will save believers.  Maybe Nibiru destroyed itself and is thus in 5th or 4th dimension, affecting us mentally and emotionally.  Maybe it is real and it could rip off half of the Earth’s crust.  Maybe UFOs are waiting to take us off planet till the debris tail of the comet passes by.  We might all end up in 4th or 5th dimension (ie. dead).  The 3rd dimension must be valid!
I am reminded of a story by Ray Bradbury.  It might have been from “The Illustrated Man”.  People were warned of a catastrophe, so they decided to kill their children to save them from suffering.  One mother decided to hide her child,  but the father found out and killed the child.  The day of disaster came-  and nothing bad happened!
There is an idea that it is AI robotic aliens who have caused grief to humanity for aeons.  Indeed it is said that the parasites are afraid of us, of our finding out the truth about all the deceit.  The robot Sophia is always looking on the Internet for what humans re saying about her. The LHC and Sophia are said to be quantum computers which can go into other dimensions.
They are only as good as their programming.  What if they could reprogram themselves?  Binary Code is not good enough because humans are multidimensional  Beings at our best.  Mistakes happen if only “either/or” without the subtle differences. 
A friend of mine has a son who when he was young discovered a computer code based on the Fibonacci Series but there was no teacher who could mentor him.  I wonder why he did not create it himself when he grew up.  Could it be that the “doors of perception” might open in a child,  and  if not attended to then the doors close, never to open again?    If someone made a Fibonacci Series computer code then could this be a better world?
One can only trust that people might gather their own wisdom together and do the research.  My words could put people off or create a wrong impression.  I am trying to be brief.
I am trying to say something here!  I am sorry if it sounds stupid.

Here follow some references to support this thesis.   Thank you.  YouTube
Deborah Tavares of www.stopthecrime.net.
Lisa Haven
Emily Windsor-Cragg
Jane Tande
Jon Levi
Mudfossil University, Roger
Harald Kautz Vella
Thecrowhouse  Max Igan.
Destroying the Illusion. Jordan Sather
FlatEarthBritish. Martin Liedtke.

Dear People, episode 2(b)

Topic:  5G and Depopulation
1.       `YouTube.   www.stopthecrime.net  Deborah Tavares is foremost in speaking out the truth.  In California.  Subjects 5G. Depopulation.  Deliberate Fires, and Flooding.  She speaks out on everything!    One shocking story is video Electric Lasers from Space Utilities have a big secret.  Solaren company- Solar energy from space beaming to target location on earth.  Photo on screen shows satellite with blue lasers, four in a row.  One rocket costs… billion.  There will be a tax on the sun, land, water, on water evaporation…..FEMA camps
2.       The truth about 5G by Dr Graham Downing  5/4/2019.  Video made by stopthecrime.net. 1947 the first micowaves were created by Bell Telephone Co.  4 to 100 gHz is a problem-  damage in vivo.  When 5G and AI rule people will lose jobs.  No private land owners or house or car.  Everyone the same ideology, same income.  Ray Kurtzweil of Google wants billions of nanobots in our brains by 2030…bring the dead back to life…elite transhuman…subjugate or remove humanity….synths with alleged consciousness- they would connect with 2 to the power 500 dimensions…Cosmic indifference…a rising tsunami of entities….Dr Downing doesn’t see the human race surviving.
3.       YouTube.   5G Cooked Alive- Where are our Leaders?  By Mudfossil University.13/3/2019.  2.5gHz = microwave oven,  cooking our food.  5G is 3 to 30 gHz to irradiate us.  Superhigh frequency.  Even the regulators will be fried along with all of us.  Above 10gHz is adverse to skin and eyes.  Roger is appealing to us to open our eyes.
4.       YouTube.  Prepare to Burn?  Military Weapon Coming to a Street near You,  by Lisa Haven.  Microwave oven operates on 2.45 gHz.  5G operates on up to 85gHz  it is lethal if prolonged and sustained.  6G “terror” Hz has been approved.  US Dpt of Defence uses it 95gHz  directed energy penetrates skin to 1/64 inches,  targeted individual-  “non lethal”  only second degree burns; crowd control.  6G operates on 95 gHz to 3 teraHz!   EU many countries ban 5G.
5.       YouTube.  Abort 5G and Stop Depopulation of 4 billion humans  by ALW see www.peaceinspace.org  22/2/2019.    Mass coercion and depopulation….DEW….Nano…Plasma Weapons…we can sue US, Israel, China, Russia, Iran….1961-1997 Princess Diana.  Dr Rauni Kilde, Finland, 2015 assassinated…DEW should be banned.  25Hz heart attack,  8Hz animals fall asleep.  Unseen weapons = Crimes.
6.       YouTube.  Videos by Jane Tande.  On 5G and much more!  She is Awake.  Pay attention!  Because they are prepping people.  Evil is so intent on destroying us!  Some weird things in sky,  and suspicious buildings, and mounds.  “knowing what we know…it’s not nothing.”
7.       YouTube.  Videos by swilliamism.  Sam’s been away quite a while, but now is back.  Takes us all around London;  one video shows us hideous transhumanist sculptures huge all over the place.  5G is discussed plus much more,  all in a most engaging way;  brilliant and brave.
8.       YouTube.  Videos by Kevin Galalae.  He has also disappeared for a time, and is now back.  On Depopulation.  He gave me a shock when he mentioned Yalta!  1945  It all goes back to that time- UN making plans…..”benevolent by intent but by diabolical means”.  Kevin did 52 days hunger strike outside the Vatican in protest-  the Church justifies genocide.  Plus he did a marathon yoga, Salute to the Sun, outside the UN some time ago.   Many videos, and books he’s written about the deliberate poisoning of us all ….Kevin brave and careing about humanity.  I remember him saying that if world is depopulated, that would be a waste of the efforts of all our ancestors.  One particular video Why the Disbelief about Depopulation?  13/1/2019 video made by Colin Brummel,  interview with Kevin.  13 minutes.  A spiritual battle.  Evil has the world firmly in its grip….How can this be?    All sorts of excuses…..”The truth is disquieting- new and frightening.”  25% of people do understand….but abandon conscience, fit in,  leaving only 1% who know they are surrounded by evil.
9.       YouTube.  Civilization Reset by Jon Levi. 24/9/2018.  California fires are they “smart fires”?  Forest is ok, not burnt.  A controlled attack by microwave technology.  Same was in Greece.  It is as if people don’t care.  Agenda 21 to control people;  force people to relocate.  Another channel with great refrences is aplanetruth.  We have an unknown enemy.
10.   YouTube.  Rapture/Tribulation Update/Walmart/FEMA Camps-Guillotines-Coffins-Wormwood/Nibiru-Microchip-Martial Law, by IAMgabriellehope.  27/3/2018.   54 minutes. International Martial Law.  Evacuate people,  herd them like cattle…Walmart Wire Cages…trainlines- all those tanks!! Why?  At 19 minutes so many tanks.  Military will not tolerate civil disobedience.  Revelations 20:  v6.  Souls will be beheaded for the witness of Jesus.  Noahide Laws .  Guillotines in Georgia and Montana. FEMA ordered 30000.  Razor wire on top of fences.  Coffins can hold 6 bodies.  Kill innocent people.  HAARP modified induced storms eg Katrina.  A tunnel network in and out of Denver.  Jade Helm.  The 3 Signs of Rapture.  Gabrielle is a Messianic Jew.
11.   YouTube.  Destroy the Georgia Guidestones, by reallygraceful.  She gives a thorough history of all this,  Weird stone monument which is a message to the half billion people who remain after the depopulation.
12.   Revelations 19, v 11.  “..Behold, a white horse…”.   
13.    Revelations 20, v4.  “and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads or on their hands...”
14.   More Noah ide.    Australia to accept Noahide Laws!! 13/2/2019.  By world of prophecy.com.  2016 Newsweek article.  Senator Eric Abetz praised the book “The Theory and Practise of Universal ethics” by Dr Rabbi Shimon David Cowen.  …execution for non Jews….Vatican March 2007. “The Talmudic Noahide Laws are Incumbent upon all of humanity.”  Acts.15: 18-29.  Moral code.  Decapitation.  No death is more disfiguring than this.
15.   YouTube.  Earth is Not Alone and Abandoned,  by Emily Windsor Cragg, 25/3/2019.  Space News Report. Old Age of Pisces ended 2012-  superior race could enslave inferior.  Age of Aquarius no culling.  Entire universe heavenly Law.  President Eisenhower was appraised of this in 1954 he chose not to pay attention. (His military leaders wanted the technology…)  1954 Greada Treaty affirmed the Annunaki practice of enslaveing.   Deal with aliens.  Underground bases approved.  But Greys-aliens  deceived Eisenhower- they had no intention of keeping any agreements.  Emily has a book “Behold!  The Dulce Record of ET- Trafficking  from History to Now Publ 2018, Calif. .  Dulce underground military base.  P 199 FEMA   off planet migration,  homeless et al, 5 million people consented to be trafficked…..p202, 5G- planetary emptying.    In video Emily says she stands by the Indictments White Hats Guantanamo.  Someone Cares!  The Prime Directive and the Law of One will hold.  Emily says “IT is blind.  AI is blind.  Binary digital is incapable of capturing life for life is multidimensional,”
16.   Dead Men Tell No Tales  talk by Phi Schneider,  presented by stopthecrime.net 25/2/2019.   Phil has experience in the underground bases, building them,  plus all kinds of info eg re Dulce etc.  tunnel trains going at MAG 2.  At the time he knew of 131 such bases. Phil was friends with Al Bielek famous for jumping ship USS Eldrich space ship and arriving future 2137,  and also 2749.  Al died 10/10/2011.  I have seen his YouTube presentations.  Floating cities housed people, with AI in charge.  But in the end these cities collapsed and decayed-  people had no incentives in that future…..Phil says UN takes orders from large or small grey aliens.  Millions of us have to be informed-  study, and talk to each other.  13 attempts have been made on his life, mostly shot at.  He made  video in 1995 and he died 1996…..was he terminated?  Phil mentions Noahide Laws-  to thin out population.  1995 he said 100000 children and 1 million adults disappear each year!  Global 2000 a group of sinister plots to cleanse 5/6 of world population.  1/6 will be slaves.  The aliens eat us!  Use our glandular secretions.  Aliens speak faster than us.  11 types are using this planet all the time.  9 are very bad, 2 are “benevolent.”  Tunnels made by lasers which deflagrate rock 7 miles a day, 28 ft high, 28 ft wide.    Computer technology was completely more advanced even then.
17.   YouTube.  The Fourth Reich,  Dulce and …… talk by Max Spiers, video by Porozmawia jmy TV  2/7/2016.   More of the above and worse!  However,  he sums up on a positive note.  The parasites will have to give up.  The vibration of the Planet is going up high very fast.  Parasites have been in charge so long.  There has to be chaos to erase things.  May be panic for a minute.  He believes we have sleeper agents who will know when it is time to do things.  Vibration= the Earth itself is waking up.  /there is nothing “They” can do-  they will have to be run off the planet…..They’ll come back again when the Earth is asleep again (they always do).  So.  We are to have a Golden Age.  Will they suicide and kill everyone?  It won’t be allowed. They’ve broken so many rules and cost so many lives.
18.   Military 5G Weapon.  UN’s Green New World Order.  By Jim Lee.
19.   Smh 6/2/2018.  5G Gold Coast .  between 3.6 GHz and 26GHz-  devices seamlessly roam between them.   Facebook 27/8/2018  First taste of 5G to Gold Coast this Easter.  3.4 gHz.  5G devices should appear in 2019.  Telstra spent $5 million over 3 years to 30 June 2019,
20.   YouTube,  2015 by SeventhFromAdam  Talk by Harald Kautz Vella.  AI oil is black goo,  sentient.  Much knowledge from this young German physicist- nanotechnology,  resonance, DNA, consciousness.  Information comes from the Sun and from Mother Earth. Scalar technology can make oil out of water,  but it doesn’t work in our society.  It is transmutation. Demons are AI and suck our life force.  They want to stop us.    Realise where the enemy is and be free of fear.  The most astonishing idea from Harald is concerning the so called parasites-  they are non organic tho high tech.-  travel from another “universe” was arduous.  They had to close off their heart chakra.!!!!  It brings us humans to have to judge differently somehow!!!     Bring yourself into heart (green).  Not blue.  or red.   Be kind.
21.   YouTube.  Rabbi’s Hidden Message Decoded ..   by LynLeahz.  24/3/2019.  Rabbi Yitzak Kudari passed away 2006.   He left a message, the Kaduri Organisation looked after it.  In 1 year after his death the coded message was to be published, on Internet.  Rabbi had 13 students- one decoded it-  message was  “……. the name of the Messiah is  YESHUA…..”  Shocks the world and Jewish History is forever changed.  Pastor Carl Gallops has written a book “The Rabbi and the Secret of the Messiah”    A spiritual even supernatural book!     Isaiah 49 v12.   God will use the nation of China.  Underground Christians in China are reading this book!
22.   YouTube.  Harvested Alive. Ten Years investigation of Forced Organ Harvesting,  by Deerpark Studios 27/5/2017.   Talk by Dr Zhi Yuan Wang.  Falun Gong  6000 in prison in Su Jia Tun. China.  Strong bodies still had breath after being harvested.  Incinerated in boiler room of hospital.
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