We have been guided to use this Calendar, by a spiritual Teacher in Japan.
I have made effort to understand it and to transcribe it for Usual Calendar and the Divine Calendar which begins on Feb 3 or 4...... There are 4 seasons of 91 days, with Equinox or Solstice in the middle. Adjustments of leap year days would be need, but this can be a forever calendar..
I use it for charting diary events on my land - 1 week to a page, and I can compare the same week, year after year, and see at a glance what to expect, or what changes are happening each year.
Please click to enlarge.
NB. This is for Southern Hemisphere.
Please adjust for Northern Hemisphere.
There is another Calendar, discovered by Lisa Dalby, who has written "East Wind Melts the Ice".
A 72 week calendar with 5 days per week and 5 odd days throughout the year.
Here is my sketch of it. Please see her book for full visual detail, and each week has a Name.
She found an ancient Chinese Almanac. Being fluent in Chinese and Japanese, she was able to decipher it.
See http://www.lizadalby.com
This is for Northern Hemisphere.
This week is first week of Spring.
Cherry blossoms are blooming in Japan!
My other blog, http://www.biomathcraft.blogspot.com has a current post on the Mayan Calendar.
The Haab of 365days (360 days plus 4 unlucky days in late July , at the end of the year.) days is very similar, beginning in August = Spring in South Hemisphere. They also understood Leap Years.
The Earth travels around the Sun in orbit. Every year it takes just 6 hours longer to reach the exact same spot. Hence 4 x 6 hours are added every 4 years.