Bright green bee.
Actually it is a cuckoo wasp, I find out later! It lays an egg beside the egg of a mud-dauber wasp and this hatches out first. Family Chrysididae.
There are very many images online for Chrysididae.
If the owner mud dauber wasp should arrive when the cuckoo wasp is in there, the latter can roll up into an armored ball which the owner wasp cannot sting.
Sky blue Salvia
Two blues
The Sunflowers loved the rain this year.
A dragon lizard colour matches himself to the dead stems of globe artichoke. He or she is so clever.
A crocus in Autumn.
Another view of the dragon lizard.
PS. If you wish to see nature spirits in photos, use a pendulum to dowse them. The fingertips see as well as the eyes. The hand is quicker than the eye. If there is some ethereal being in the photo then the pendulum gets really excited, spinning like anything. I haven't tried it with these photos...yet. You can check out photos of tree trunks, rocks, streams, hillsides, anywhere. There are some similar online.
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