Thursday, December 19, 2019

Why so Cold?

So,   Why does it get so cold in some places?   Topic 6.
The American Midwest is in Freeze.  Crops are lost.
In Australia where I live we have recently had some days of very cold Polar blasts from Antarctic.  Then the bizarre terrible hot weather.
NASA has charts showing climate history and sunspots.  In 2020 we begin to enter the Gran Solar Minimum where sunspots are nil.  Conditions become Ice Age.
Solar Maximum period was 1978 to 1998 and temperature increase was only 1.2 degrees C.
Earth has been warming up since the last Ice Age.
My bus driver was on a trip to Alaska and saw proof in the rocks, of where a glacier has been receding since the last Ice Age.
 Professor Valentina Zharkova, mathematician at Canada’s Northumberland University has been studying sunspots since 2002.  An interview is on YouTube video “How the Sun Affects temperatures on Earth”,  Oct 10 2019,   by Conversations that Matter with Stuart McNish. 
We are entering a Solar Grand Minimum beginning 2020 for 33 years  (according to Sun’s 11 year cycles).  It will be a most cold period on Earth.  Less vegetation, less food.   Temperatures will decrease 0.8 degrees C.  That seems strange but I think it is average over entire Earth?......
Please see videos by Ice Age Farmer.
One wonders is that why we are deemed to be needing to be culled?  We might need the coal, oil and gas……
Furthermore.  Sky News says our Fort Denison in Sydney Harbour has been keeping records of sea levels.  They  are down 6 cm!
Why are islands sinking?  Could it be that too much groundwater has been pumped out and the land is subsiding?  Heavy buildings could compact the land. 
Mexico, Venice- what is happening?  Is it due to heavy storms maybe engineered by technology…..
Someone has a lot to answer for.  WE need to ask the questions and see what response we get.  Criminal is criminal.  Careless is careless.
 What  if we take more care,  then the planet can survive and flourish and us with it. 

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